09 December 2008

A little farmers market love...

On Saturday, we had a Christmas market downtown. It is an off shoot of the farmers market that takes place all summer here. It also takes place on one of the busiest weekends around - holiday barrel tasting. I think this may only be the second year that the Christmas market has happened. Last year, I just happened to have a migraine that day. But this year, my luck seemed to be much better...

I was delighted to find a few vegetables there. The most exciting thing I found was the cavolo nero kale. I tried some from one of the last fall markets of the year and I loved it. Of course, I couldn't find it at any grocery store around town, so I'd been waiting anxiously to see if I could find some more. Lucky for me, they had plenty and I bought three bunches. After a little research, I discovered that this particular variety of kale also earns the nickname of the dinosaur kale. It is a great winter green, as it gets sweeter with the cooler weather. I am looking forward to some good greens this week!

And just when I thought it couldn't get any better, I found a few other winter treats - some yellow carrots, along with a lovely little cabbage. I think I am going to braise those two up together. Braised cabbage is a fairly new dish to me, but I absolutely love it - warm and mellow, it somehow makes me feel more connected to my cabbage-loving relatives! 

So, with my hardy winter vegetables in hand, I'll hunker down by the stove and wait for the magic to happen. And hopefully before I tire of the greens or the pan of braising cabbage in the oven, spring will be here and I will be happily at the market, shopping for the next fresh thing.