27 July 2008

Who knew?

Who would have thought Simon and Sufi could be such good friends?

21 July 2008

15 July 2008

Market basket

We also brought home a 25 pound bag of onions, but no need to mention that!

08 July 2008

Strawberry season

It is officially strawberry season and I am enjoying every moment of it. From snacking on the fresh berries, to the tasty jams that I have been cooking up and finally the sweet strawberry pie - a fruity strawberry jelly pie with a crisp shortbread crust - yum!

05 July 2008

After the firecrackers

I collected these exploded firecrackers from nearby streets on an early morning bike ride. I am particularly liking the flowers and birds that show up on most of the labels, but what is with the flaming skull? A potent warning label for even the smallest of children!

01 July 2008